Sunday, January 25, 2015

Conversion of St. Paul

1st: In researching this, I found a Saint for every day. I knew this was a thing but maybe i'll cover some random saints when there's a lot of space between holidays.

St. Paul is a big one, so I can see why this day gets special mention.

Within Catholicism Paul is a big deal. From my understanding he is considered a major player in Christianity according to Catholicism but he has always been secondary in my studies. Now I'm not saying I mastered the bible in church myself, no. But I did learn a lot. I studied the bible academically in church and had a wonderful teacher. We read the New Testament in order that it was written, which is NOT how it appears in the bible. Many books in the New Testament are in fact letters that Paul had written to various societies.

In some faith's Paul is considered a secondary apostle. Why? He never met Jesus before the crucifixion. Jesus appeared to him on the road to Damascus and Paul who was a known persecutor of Christians was converted into a prominent follower of Jesus. From what I understand of Catholicism Paul stands out from the other apostles BECAUSE he was converted, Jesus chose to appear to him and 'show him the way.'

The conversion of St. Paul is supposed to represent the change in following the law of the land and the law of God. Paul discusses his conversion in several of his letters, which are in fact included as books of the Bible.

I know this may seem a little repetitive and lacking but this is what happens when  you are interrupted about 100 times while trying to type one paragraph.

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