Thursday, January 22, 2015

New Year, New Plans, New Goals

Everyone makes New Years resolutions. Right? I don't. I don't believe in them. Why? Because why put off starting something that you can start today. Everyone waits to get healthy after the new year. Everyone waits to quit smoking until Monday. They miss the deadline. They forget. They aren't committed. I've always been a big believer in tomorrow is a new day, a new start, what makes that different than new years? Oh right... no champagne. No Glitter. Close your eyes, take a deep breathe. do you really want to meet this goal? Awesome. Right now is a new minute and a perfect start. Good thing I didn't wait until next New Year. I would have forgotten my goal.

My BEST friend in the whole world is planning on reading the entire Bible in a year. So me, having a passion for studying religion, have decided to join her. You can follow her thoughts here.  I studied religion in school. I minored in it, I would have added a second major but financial aid ran out. Just as the program was being expanded to be awesome.

This is the version we are reading. I love it because it has a lot of notes which compare what different translations could have intended, what different beliefs feel about different passages AND its written academically, which means it's a study bible for studying the bible. Not influenced like other study bibles which are for teens, moms, Catholics, singles, gardeners. I went to a Christian book store once and there were 3 isles of bibles. And that didn't include the ones in the Spanish isle. Seriously guys... read for yourself. Don't let the notes sway you and brainwash you. Read and interpret for yourself. What does it mean to you, in your life? Not what does it mean to someone trying to make a buck.

I have struggled to define my views on religion. So I would like to take some time to learn about many things. I was raised Christian, by a very large Methodist family. Although my mothers family whom I am close with are involved church members, my fathers family is not religious, and my father is actually anti-religion. He's not an atheist. My sister is though. He is just not a spiritual man.

I however firmly believe in all religions. I know that doesn't make sense to some people. It's not a salad bar. I don't pick a little of this from that religion and a little of that from that religion. I think it comes down to language. I think as we spread across the world and our languages changed, our words and meanings changed. Like a giant game of telephone that spans the entire globe. I think we just used different ways of expressing the same thing.

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